Spring 2018: the crowdfunding campaign barely finished, we start the work. Here preparation of the formwork of the concrete slab.
Before planting truffle trees it is necessary to fencing to protect the future plantation.
it climbs over here! Isn't it guys ?!
Work permits are finally issued. We pour the concrete slab.
Quite an art! Fortunately our volunteers are there!
Some of the volunteers of the association "Trufficulture Pour Tous"
Many methods of "cultivation" of truffles exist. We made the choice to maintain the existing ecosystem by keeping the calcicole lawn in place
Earthworms play an essential role in the dynanism of the soil in truffles. We added earthworms before planting.
Our partner nurserymen (Pépinières Tenoux, Pépinières Robin, Pépinières de Puymège, Agritruffe) provided us with the 50 truffle plants for the educational truffle.
More than 50 trees (mainly holm oaks) were planted on the educational truffle in November 2019.
December 2019: the cabin is finally delivered. There's just!
The "Trufficulture Pour Tous" hut has been carefully selected to meet handicap standards.
Important closing work was carried out by our volunteers in the fall of 2019.
Everyone is involved in the painting and staining work.
Several educational panels will be installed in the 16m² hut
Overview of the "Trufficulture Pour Tous" hut, starting point of the wooden path in the heart of the adapted educational truffle
Une grande variété de panneaux pédagogiques sera proposée
Notre souhait: rendre la trufficulture accessible au plus grand nombre.
Afin de s'adapter à tous les handicaps, une partie de nos panneaux pédagogiques seront des bornes sonores
2 emplacements de parking aux normes PMR seront aménagés à proximité immédiate de la cabane.
Nos 2 stationnements nous permettront d'envisager tout type de véhicule... descente par le coffre, descente par la droite, par la gauche...
Notre ambition d'obtenir le label "Tourisme et Handicap" nous oblige à penser tous nos aménagements d'accessibilté avec minutie.